There are so many fundamental flaws in the system that won’t be changed as long as we continue to bumble along enjoying our unearned relative prosperity. Thomas Jefferson wrote “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” There is no will in this “I’m alright, […]
Archive | World View
Saving Private Holden
I’m frustrated with the superficiality of the debate over “saving” Holden. Once again, they’re missing the point entirely. The issue is not, or should not be, about bailing out another Detroit dinosaur. The important issue is the future of automotive manufacture in Australia. Should we have one at all? I suggest there a number of […]
Explaining Usonia
This is a topic of Demography 101, in particular those aspects that apply to the continents of North America (generally accepted to included Central America and the Caribbean), and South America. The countries of North America are: Usonia – the United States of America (ca. 330 million – 49 states) Mexico – the United Mexican […]
Can we save the corporate elephant?
Since the unhappy days of the Taligent alliance, I have been no fan of Microsoft. The corporate culture, the software development methodologies, the dreaded EULA and the arrogant market dominance all offended my sensibilities. With the exception of perhaps Excel, their products didn’t thrill me although I still occasionally use some on the WinXP I […]
Gandhi on Violence
Violence the Choice I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence… I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honour than that she should, in a cowardly manner, become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor. But I […]
John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton
In a letter Lord Acton wrote to scholar and ecclesiastic Mandell Creighton, dated April 1887, Acton made his most famous pronouncement: But if we might discuss this point until we found that we nearly agreed, and if we do agree thoroughly about the impropriety of Carlylese denunciations and Pharisaism in history, I cannot accept your […]